
Scorpion & Frog Story

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Here is something I recently got to read…

Have you heard the story of the scorpion and the frog?

A scorpion wanted to cross the stream, but since he did not know how to swim, he went over to the frog and said “Why don’t you let me ride on your back. I can’t swim!”

“I can’t possibly let you do that!” said the frog. “You are a scorpion. You will sting me!”

“Oh, you stupid frog!” said the scorpion. ‘I wouldn’t possibly do that. Because if I did that, we would both drown!”

Sensing the logic on that one, and seeing an opportunity to win bragging rights for having helped a scorpion across the water, the frog agreed to take the scorpion on his back.

And when they were in the middle of the stream, the scorpion stung the frog.

“Why did you do that?” asked the frog, shocked, and quickly going down in the water.

Because I am a scorpion! I sting…its my nature” came the reply, as both the frog and the scorpion drowned.

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