Self Belief

You are what you want to be!

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Who decides what you need to be?

Tracking back right from the beginning, parental impact, so called relatives, society, community, state, country, educational system, friends and who & what not?

It is not about being a social hermit, it is about knowing what one needs and wishes to be and exhibiting efficacy in being so.

I was recently contemplating with someone inspiring, who thought I’m worth talking to about a situation and know what my thought is. Read the rest of this entry »

Mind Set & Self Belief

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Two articles that I read recently struck a chord may be at the right time, way too random & columned under different genre, but I felt like picking what I needed from both of them and adding pinch of whatever I think makes sense to me at the beginning of the next day I’ve got to live.

When disbelief creeps in, the best thing to do is to believe, mostly in self, while not denying that other elements could be used as an additional aid to self belief. Read the rest of this entry »