
Making a difference

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Recently someone had to ask me how they made any difference in my life…

I for a moment started thinking, but then something flashed in my mind…

A small story for that I once  read, may be you have read it already sometime…

Once a man was walking along a beach. The sun was shining and it was a beautiful day. Off in the distance he could see a person going back and forth between the surf’s edge and and the beach. Back and forth this person went. As the man approached he could see that there were hundreds of starfish stranded on the sand as the result of the natural action of the tide.

The man was stuck by the the apparent futility of the task. There were far too many starfish. Many of them were sure to perish. As he approached the person continued the task of picking up starfish one by one and throwing them into the surf.

As he came up to the person he said, “You must be crazy. There are thousands of miles of beach covered with starfish. You can’t possibly make a difference.” The person looked at the man. He then stooped down and pick up one more starfish and threw it back into the ocean. He turned back to the man and said, “It sure made a difference to that one!”

Story ends there…and here is my thought around it…

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Scorpion & Frog Story

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Here is something I recently got to read…

Have you heard the story of the scorpion and the frog?

A scorpion wanted to cross the stream, but since he did not know how to swim, he went over to the frog and said “Why don’t you let me ride on your back. I can’t swim!”

“I can’t possibly let you do that!” said the frog. “You are a scorpion. You will sting me!”

“Oh, you stupid frog!” said the scorpion. ‘I wouldn’t possibly do that. Because if I did that, we would both drown!”

Sensing the logic on that one, and seeing an opportunity to win bragging rights for having helped a scorpion across the water, the frog agreed to take the scorpion on his back.

And when they were in the middle of the stream, the scorpion stung the frog.

“Why did you do that?” asked the frog, shocked, and quickly going down in the water.

Because I am a scorpion! I sting…its my nature” came the reply, as both the frog and the scorpion drowned.

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I’m dead

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Every time you walk out on me
I’ve died a little of me…

its not about what I am or what you are
and you know that for real.

you are looking for someone
who’s a better version of you.

When will you even understand
there cant be anyone better than you.

cos it is about who you are
and girl you know I love you for who you are.

well if it doesn’t matter for you,
I don’t have anything else to show.

Just like my simple life, my love is simple
and there’s nothing left in me to die, cos I’m already dead.

Mind Set & Self Belief

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Two articles that I read recently struck a chord may be at the right time, way too random & columned under different genre, but I felt like picking what I needed from both of them and adding pinch of whatever I think makes sense to me at the beginning of the next day I’ve got to live.

When disbelief creeps in, the best thing to do is to believe, mostly in self, while not denying that other elements could be used as an additional aid to self belief. Read the rest of this entry »


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What is with living one’s life the way it is and living one’s life with a perspective around it?

All I see is commotion, chaos, ruckus if everything in life is seen with theories or if everything is seen with a pragmatic perspective.

What is life without feelings?

Neither the theories nor the practicality seem to have any feelings around it.

Theories seem to bring in confusion in life by making one get entangled with too many thoughts that doesn’t help one to lead a peaceful life and when one is too practical, they tend to forget the reality and look at everything from a perspective of frames and lose the joy of enjoying the moment. Read the rest of this entry »

The Bucket List

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A wish list one would want to have accomplished before they kick the bucket – Pretty simple to be put.

There are things in life that might look like surrealistic dreams, wishful thinking one could only dream of and not really pragmatic about, but ask the dreamer who dreams the dream and wants to achieve it.

What do people do all their life & post they know when they are going to die? Read the rest of this entry »